A Parent Guide for Lacrosse
The sport of Lacrosse in Canada is broken down into two seasons and three categories. Box season takes place in the starting in March and is complete by the end of June. Box consists of integrated (co-ed) teams and female only teams. Field lacrosse is split between Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse. The field season runs from September through the winter, however for Minor lacrosse its usually wrapped up by the start of November. Tournaments and Provincial Championships extend past these time frames where Box provincials are usually in July, sometimes August, and Field Provincials are usually in late January or February. Equipment for both seasons varies slightly and is outlined down below.
Financial Support Opportunities are available for those who qualify. Please see the links below to the Financial Support Partners supporting Lacrosse in BC. If you apply to one of these partners, please contact our Registrar prior to registration for the next steps on how to register with a pending support application. The KMLA Registrar can be reached at [email protected]
Box age groups run from Age 5 through 16 for integrated teams, where U22 becomes part of the Thompson Okanagan Junior Lacrosse League and they age up to Junior B in the Senior Lacrosse system. Female Only Box ages out at U22 within the Minor Lacrosse system. Field lacrosse for Men’s ages runs from age 5 through 17.
Lacrosse For Life is the fundamental process that Lacrosse Canada uses for Long Term Athlete Development which is pushed down to the Provincial Sports Organizations and Member Associations. The focus on this is developing the athlete the right way at the right time based on the age of the athlete and at what stage they are in human development and what level of sport they participate in (Recreation or Development). More information on the Lacrosse for Life stages can be found on the Lacrosse Canada Website. Lacrosse For Life LTAD Stages
Female Only Lacrosse
As the Sport of Lacrosse continues to grow within BC, the BCLA, TOMBLC and Kelowna Minor Lacrosse, so are opportunities for Female Only Lacrosse Programs. Female Only does not yet have a league to play in, however can offer practice times and tournaments along with the options to play co-ed with the co-ed teams.
The Female Only registration option is offered at a reduced rate as there are reduced costs for league games not taking place. The teams for Female Only will be formed from players across the zone from mixed ages and/or mixed associations.
1. If the female player wishes to play both co-ed and female they can be registered for co-ed and pay the full fees associated with co-ed. Their name will be noted and passed over to the Interior Female Lacrosse organizer where they would be eligible to practice with the female teams and join blended teams.
2. If the female player wishes to play female only but practice with the co-ed teams (if space allows), they can be registered into the female only programs at the reduced rate. These female players would be eligible for co-ed game play (where space is available) by agreement between coaches and a One-Game call up form. There is no limit to the amount of call up games the player plays.
Having The Correct Gear