Who Are We? We are a provincially incorporated not for profit society About Our Executive Committee Our Officers Of The Association Joel MedlandPresident Leeann VigarVice President #1 Allison ZumboVice president #2 Wuilbert Jaramillopast president Natalie Fugestveitsecretary Nicole JonesTreasurer Elaine Davisonregistrar Our Directors Of The Association Lennie RamponeHead Coach - Delegated -Referee-in-Chief Michelle ClarkScheduler Sarah HeathPlayer Recruitment/PR Chris PhillipsSponsorship Tia FaarupSpecial Events/Tournaments - Vacant - Field Lacrosse Stacey MollReferee Allocator Max GordonEquipment Manager Jaimie Singleton MulliganApparel Coordinator - Vacant - Female Lacrosse Coordinator Robin BlanchardU7/U9 Division Ally BadryU11 Division - Vacant - U13 Division Kimberly SteedmanU15 Division Christine BridgeU17/U18 Division Collaboration Roles Penni KingBC Interior Female Lacrosse Coordinator About Our Parent Associations/Commissions